We at Mind Power Education take pride in bringing the benefits of Vedic Maths to our students, our trainers are well trained in this art and our students have been benefitting immensely from this course. Vedic Maths is part of our Group D course and is aimed at our high school students.
Vedic Maths has been known to speed up your speed skills by 10 -15 times, you can do complex maths problems in seconds instead of minutes and that too without the use of calculator. If you want to know more about the history of Vedic maths and few examples read on below.
History of Vedic Maths
Vedic mathematics was presented by Jagadguru Swami Sri Bharati Krishna Tirthaji, who is described as having the “rare combination of the probing insight and revealing intuition of a Yogi with the analytical acumen and synthetic talent of a mathematician”. Born in India in 1884, Tirthaji was an exceptional scholar; by age twenty he had studied at a number of colleges and universities throughout the country, been awarded the title of ‘Saraswati’ by the Madras Sanskrit Association for his remarkable proficiency in Sanskrit, and had completed seven masters degrees, including Sanskrit, Philosophy, English, Mathematics, History and Science, with the American College of Sciences[4]. After discovering the sūtras, Tirthaji traveled around India presenting Vedic mathematics, and even lectured in the United States and England in 1958 (Trivedi, 1965). In addition to lecturing, Tirthaji also wrote sixteen volumes, one for each basic sūtra, explaining their applications [10]. Before they were published, the manuscripts were lost irretrievably [11]. Before falling ill and passing away in 1960, Tirthaji was able to rewrite the first of the sixteen volumes he had composed[12]). This text — simply titled Vedic Mathematics, ISBN 81-208-0164-4 and published in 1965 — has become the basis for all study in the area.
1. All from nine and the last from ten
When subtracting from a large power of ten with many columns of zeros, it is not necessary to write the notation for "borrowing" from the column on the left. One can instead subtract the last (rightmost) digit from 10 and each other digit from 9. For example, when one is subtracting ten thousand minus 4,679, the leftmost three digits of 4,679--4, 6 and 7--are subtracted from 9, and the rightmost nonzero digit--that is, 9--is subtracted from 10, yielding the solution: 5,321. This method is also used when finding the deficit from the next larger power of ten when setting up a multiplication problem using the "cross-subtraction" method
2. First corollary, when squaring numbers
Whatever the extent of its deficiency, lessen it still further to that very extent; and also set up the square (of that deficiency)
For instance, in computing the square of 9 we go through the following steps:
1. The nearest power of 10 to 9 is 10. Therefore, let us take 10 as our base.
2. Since 9 is 1 less than 10, decrease it by the deficiency (9 - 1 = 8). This is the left side of our answer.
3. On the right hand side put the square of the deficiency, which is 1². Hence, the square of nine is 81.
Similarly, 8² = 64, 7² = 49.
For numbers above 10, instead of looking at the deficit we look at the surplus. For example:
11² = (11 + 1) x 10 + 1² = 121
12² = (12 + 2) x 10 + 2² = 144
14² = (14 + 4) x 10 + 4² = 18 x 10 + 16 = 196
25² = [(25+5) x 2] x 10 + 5² = 625
and so on…
This method of squaring is based on the fact that a2 = (a + b)(a − b) + b2[47] where a is the number whose square is to be found and b is the deficit (or surplus) from nearest product of 10.